Played for Years – Candy Crush Saga Review

I’ve played Candy Crush on and off for a few years now. From my perspective of things, complaints/suggestions by other reviewers have since been fixed. In the past, the only way to get gold bars was to pay. If you didn’t have gold bars, you couldn’t buy boosters at will, and would have to deal all the cards dealt, even if they were virtually impossible without boosters if you needed a certain kind but didn’t have them. This would personally result in me not playing for weeks, as well as only having a total of five gold bars in the span of three years. However, you can now get gold bars depending on how fast you complete groupings of levels, and whether you did it above or below the average speed of other players. It helps gameplay very much and speeds it up, so to speak. Additionally, just a year or two ago Candy Crush added milestones. These give out small bundles of awards which include a restoration of health, discounted bundles you can buy, etc. I just reached level 1,000 and was pleasantly surprised with what would otherwise be known as a mini ‘jackpot’ without having to spin the prize wheel. I also love the mini events and challenges: the mini storylines, booster-rewards,.. Overall, Candy Crush is a great, aesthetically pleasing game. It’s not necessarily as addictive as more recent games due to less surprises and suspense, but I can’t imagine Candy Crush with any suspense at all. I love Candy Crush, as Candy Crush. I look forward to playing a lot more in the future.
Review by Petalmist <(^-^<) on Candy Crush Saga.

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Addictive !!

Candy Crush

Awesome game

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