What happened to this game? – Hearthstone Review

I’ve been playing this game on and off since it was released (longest break being this past summer when I didn’t play for maybe 4-5 months) . I would have given it 5 stars for the first few years when it was a fun and simple game that you could jump in and out of while making steady progress with each character. The first few expansions were spread out so that I didn’t feel overwhelmed with new tactics or cards. Over the last few years it has become less and less enjoyable for me. I don’t have the time to invest in this game in order to acquire all the necessary cards to be competitive anymore. It seems like there is a new card for every character for every possible situation if you’re willing to pay for them or spend countless hours trying to “win” them. There is always an update to be had requiring more space, more grinding to get the new cards that really affect game play, and more garbage cards to sort through. One of the worst parts for me is that you see the same decks over and over and over again. It gets very boring knowing exactly what your opponent is going to do and that you can’t stop it unless you are able to beat them before a certain turn or have certain cards to counter. I always make my my own decks and had decent success in the past (consistent level 9 or 10 rank before it switched to the bronze, silver, gold) but now I just see the same decks at all levels of difficulty. Boring. Anyone who has been playing this since the beginning, like myself, knows just how much this game has changed for the worse. After getting the latest update with a progression system I don’t understand and don’t care to spend the time to figure out I think I will be freeing up the space on my phone and looking elsewhere for a quick, fun and simple game to casually play.
Review by thisgameisntfunanymore on Hearthstone.

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