Highway Robbery – Words With Friends 2 Word Game Review

I recently installed Words with Friends 2 so I could play "Scrabble" with my mom. Getting super annoyed by all the ads that played, an ad (lol) to REMOVE ADS FOR $9.99 kept showing. I figured it was worth $10 to be able to play uninterrupted. I figured wrong. As it turns out, that $9.99 is only good for 30 DAYS, then the ads come right back on!!! Like, are they serious with this?!? It would cost me $120 a YEAR to play this game without ads? And trust me, the ads are long and plenty... Enough so that paying $10 for a game (when they're usually just a few bucks to have them ad free PERMANENTLY) was worth it, even though an insanely high price. But $10 a month? That's highway robbery. Oh yeah, the whole *for 30 days only* is in the very fine print, it's not obviously stated that you're only getting the ad-free version for a limited time. I'm getting rid of this game and if this developer makes anymore of the apps that I use, even if they're free, I'm deleting them on principle. I'm sure they don't care though...why would they? At the prices they charge they're probably billionaires!!!
Review by mlball315 on Words With Friends 2 Word Game.

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Unicode crashes

Hate it