Lyft has gone DOWNHILL – Lyft Driver Review

It used to be that Lyft was a great company to work for, but that’s all changed now... they removed all access to support, so if you need help, forget it, just be prepared to be ignored, and disregarded... IF and when you do finally get a chance to get help or support, all you get is a general “cut and paste” kind of response that basically strokes you... it’s a big “we don’t give a crap, get lost!” Lyft initiated a background check 3 months ago, and it still has not finished processing... meanwhile, the same check conducted by Uber took just 4 hours. Lyft has also seemingly attracted ALL of the riffraff passengers, by lowering prices and offering incentives and not surge pricing due to the pandemic. One of my last trips before being deactivated for the “routine” background check, I was assaulted by a passenger. I would recommend against anyone driving for Lyft, don’t board a sinking ship! It’s a shame, it really is... I really loved Lyft, but Lyft stabbed me in the back as far as I’m concerned.
Review by Astadiablo on Lyft Driver.

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