Bells & Whistles – Words With Friends Classic Review

There are WAY too many things going on with the bonus games, goals, bonus tiles, forced solo games with stupidly named fictional characters, etc. A simplified trail of what’s complete and the result would be great instead of complete, see who won, blah, blah, blah. In short, there are WAY too many distractions. AND, to make matters WORSE, there’s no real-time update of wins and losses. I mean, IT’S A DAMED COMPUTER for crying out load! How hard can it be to 1 to a register of an already calculated sum. I played Scrabble, and there, you could actually see, in numerical rating terms, how you were progressing and deteriorating as a player with the Elo Arpad system (and THAT’S updated instantaneously). In short, there’s too much distracting window dressing and too little helpful substance missing
Review by barthpin on Words With Friends Classic.

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