Awesome..... and annoying at the same time. – Delivery From the Pain:Survive Review

Edit: disregard my comments below. This game is f!&king awesome. It’s frustrating at the beginning but once you get the hang of it you’ll be asking yourself why you didn’t get it sooner. The full game is only five bucks and to buy a few extra it’s 1.99. Well worth it!!! Smooth gameplay, fun little missions that aren’t impossible, and a nice little story where you are given multiple choices which brings some nice variety. GET IT The saving method is garbage. The fact that you have to keep relearning after you die is annoying. Most games like this if you die you lose any gear youve picked up along the way. In this sob you have to click for 10 minutes to go through the manuals that you’ve already clicked through just so you can build something you’ve built ten times. I feel like playing a game , not doing my chores when I was in kindergarten. Other than that it’s a really good game
Review by littlelouiedog on Delivery From the Pain:Survive.

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