Well... at least it opens now – Productive - Habit Tracker Review

Long time user. I use the app to keep track all 20-some-odd segments of my morning routine. Update before the current version broke the app completely—it wouldn’t even open at all—but the most recent version fixed this issue. Yay! The app opens! Unfortunately, an additional problem has been added, too: When marking a habit as “done” or “skipped”, there is now a 5 second delay before the habit is cleared from the “to do” portion the habit list. This means that marking multiple habits as complete involves a good amount of time just... sitting around, waiting for the app. (Obviously this is not as substantial an issue as “not opening at all”, but still annoying enough that I’m consider in moving all of my habits to a new app.)
Review by jebediah b on Productive - Habit Tracker.

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