Good potential, but lots of bugs – Dexcom Glucose Program App Review

Non-Invasive Glucose monitoring that works 24/7 seems like such a good idea; this product has lots of good qualities, but in the end seems more frustrating than beneficial. Two of three of my last box of sensors failed to release from the installation mechanism. The transmitter disconnects for hours at a time interrupting all aspects of my day with loud annoying warning beeps. It seems the Dexcom may have mastered the hard part — the continuous glucose monitoring, but seemingly has quality control issues combined with an inability to provide a sound reliable Bluetooth interface. It’s a shame. What should be a great product isn’t yet ready for prime time — or any time. Hopefully, they can improve their product before they generate so much Ill will that no one cares to deal with them.
Review by appGuyz on Dexcom Glucose Program App.

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