The App That Just Keeps Getting Better – Tody Review

Tody is a game changer. I tried several different techniques to try to manage keeping my home clean, and I’d give up on all of them. Tody is an app I’ve stuck with for over six months now. What makes Tody different? Tody doesn’t demand a part of your day in cleaning. Rather, it recommends to you when you should clean something. What do I mean by that? Some cleaning systems want you to zone clean, so for example, Kitchen on Mondays, Bathrooms on Tuesdays, and so on. That’s great until you sat in the ER with your kid all Monday evening, or any other convenient excuse. Now you start getting backlogged and start feeling like you’re failing. With Tody, you’re given a heads up a task is due. Don’t have time today? It’ll stay on your list until you get to it, and then reset the clock from there. Realize that vacuuming the spare bedroom that never gets used every week is a waste of time? Change the frequency to every two weeks, or every month. Toilet needs cleaned more than once a week because you have a household full of teenage boys? Change the frequency, AND assign the task to them until they learn how to aim better. Also, for those trying to build habits because you’ve never kept a house clean successfully before, Tody keeps track of how many tasks you do. So, if you want to treat yourself to a pizza because you’ve gotten all the tasks done in a week, or buy yourself a TV soundbar because you completed 500 points worth of tasks in a month and you’re proud of the housekeeper you’ve become, this is your faithful scorekeeper. There are dozens of techniques for habit building out there. I can’t promise this is the method that will work for you, but it is a well thought out and maintained app, and it’s worth a try! TL;DR: This app is chock full of features, and worth it. Give it a try!
Review by Mopedimus on Tody.

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