Was a nice little nostalgia trip – FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS Review

I dunno about this season this I’ve enjoyed playing sense the global launch but this season...I’m not sure where they’re going. Season 3 story is a low point to me the supporting characters are far more interesting then Fina it’s like the writers dumped every trope into her. Uncertainty✔️ Friendship is Magic✔️ Whiny✔️ Damsel in Distress✔️ Power Outage✔️ Which all these wouldn’t be bad but they addressed this in season 1 &2 and just takes away from Fina as a character. Then there’s the Neo Visions you gotta have both of a character’s trust and super trust rewards to awaken then they allow you to pull a Neo Vision that doesn’t have trust master unlocked which breaks the conditions to get a Neo vision and not to mention you gotta pour 5 star units into the Neo Vision unit which have a low pull rate but I have had pretty good luck getting 5 stars but relying solely RNG to max out NV Unit is just stupid. Last thing is Dark Visions which is just roided out damage sponge espers with ridiculous stats that are meant to drain in unprepared players of your stocked piled lapis which takes away from any real effort, you can just stack your party with DPS and throw them at the boss until you run out of lapis. I really liked this game when it first came out the sprites reminded me of Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger but I’m not sure where they’re really going this season. Hope they figure it out.
Review by DJ puddintime on FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS.


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