Best Non Energy Based Survival Game I’ve Seen in a While – Delivery From the Pain:Survive Review

Honestly didn’t really know what to think of this game at first. As I progressed through the story the ads were a bad sign to start off, but I then used some of the ads for rewards and it payed off by providing some pretty good resources/weapons. I turned off my cellular data and WiFi and to my surprise, the game remained at the same point upon return. I LOVE the fact that this game is essentially an offline game. Being in the military, I don’t always get the best service, so when I find the time to myself to mobile game, I want games that I can play without a connection required. The gameplay is your standard survival, grab these items and make something from them, but you actually have to consider the 24 hr timeframe since the zombies gather in more numbers at night time. The combat system is easy and effective while still challenging due to the different types of zombies. To make the game more challenging, I would consider hiding blueprints or books that “teach” you how to build or make things throughout the looting. This way you don’t get too much up front from the beginning and the player will feel excited/accomplished when they finally find that blueprint they needed. Just please don’t leave that to the RNG gods lol nobody likes those guys ?. That’s my only “advice” if you can call it that, otherwise fantastic game and I DEFINITELY will be purchasing the full version, which is a great price at $4.99! Great work guys and keep it up!
Review by Beradjeezy on Delivery From the Pain:Survive.

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