Really bad game in many areas – TALES OF CRESTORIA Review

Where do I start?! Let’s start with the constant glitches and freezing and force closing. About every tens minutes I experience this on my iPhone XR, total crap. Second the rate up summon system is designed to squeeze money out of players pockets in big scum ways. Not every banner has the same rate up value one banner could be 1.0 and another banner would be 0.7 or something like that. Already tells me that they intend to manipulate what you get in the gacha system. Not to mention other “GOOD” gacha games have it that banners would only have the rate up unit/weapon on that banner or at least a pity system. This game does not! Which is like playing Fate/Go (which I also do not recommend anyone to play) all over again where your pretty much throwing money away at potential units you already have instead of what you actually want. There’s no plausible way to max rank up your SSR as you have to go through the summon system and then hope it’s a duplicate you need for your favorite or most reliable SSR. Again that mean spending $79.99 for just three ten summon sets. Even the “exp tomes” for units move sets becomes more annoying to collect as a move levels up because well.... the experience requirement is FAAAAAR too high. Then there’s elements. Since when does the “Tales of” series characters themselves are element based?! I can understand an unit having something like Phoenix wing which would be a fire element attack but the unit him/herself being an element isn’t fun and just adds an extra layer of frustration when playing the game. This game is a huge flop it doesn’t make me want to keep playing nor does it make me enjoy my experience. I told all my friends to stay far away from this game and I only have one good thing about it which is that the company gave us one more attempt at a “Tales of” mobile game but holy cow this is bad. No thanks Bandai just do to this like y’all did to the last mobile “Tales of” game and shut it down or just keep it in Japan. I have far more fun playing Final Fantasy Dissidia Opera Omnia so I will just stay there.
Review by Hadowolf on TALES OF CRESTORIA.


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