Can’t History List 2 Insulin Types – iHealth Gluco-Smart Review

I take two types of insulin Regular & NPH YES I can enter BOTH on the main “detail” sheet Regular & NPH But only one of those two shows on the History List. I take different dosages or units depending on the current sugar level. My work around is to make two measurements everytime that I actually am really taking only one measurement, On first measurenent I list units taken of NPH first & number of units of Reg second On second measurement I List units of Regular insulin first and NPH insulin second. Why? Because iHealth app ONLY LIST IN HISTORY mode the units of insulin taken for the first insulin entered and not the second type of insulin listed, Big nuisance and kludgey, I see also that iHealth does not make too many or too frequent changes to the iHealth app, Hopefully iHealth will add this to their “Bugs to Fix” List Other than that issue I would give FIVE STARS
Review by Gary W Martin on iHealth Gluco-Smart.

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