I absolutely love Doctor Phil, but sadly this ap does not meat ADA requirements for those who are visually impaired or totally blind! I am currently using an IPhone 6S+ with up to date IOS. After paying for this ap and downloading it, I proceeded to open the ap and it does not do anything. I am using the “VoiceOver” feature on my IPhone and this ap will only allow me to read what is written at the very beginning of this ap. It says that there is 10 pages of information, but although I can scroll up the pages, VoiceOver says although it may be say on page 10, it will not read ANYTHING beyond the first page. There are no tabs at the bottom that allow me to enter further into the ap. If there are tabs, VoiceOver does not see/recognize them if they are not PROPERLY LABELED. I am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED in the developer/owner of this ap because it clearly does not look like anyone who may be visually disabled or totally blind will be able to use this ap. I know that Doctor Phil is extremely sensitive to people with disabilities and would be super saddened to see that this ap was developed without thinking about those hundreds/thousands/millions of visually disabled/totally blind who were unfortunately forgotten about. So, what about those of us like myself who need to lose some weight and want to be a part of this community of individuals who want to better their lives and who want to live a happier and much healthier lifestyle?? I was honestly looking forward to using this ap and gaining a lot of knowledge from the menus and foods that are supposed to be extremely helpful in assisting in the weight loss process. I cannot access any menus or anything for that matter. I truly feel that Doctor Phil should be made very much aware of this access issue. I am quite certain that he also would feel equally disappointed in knowing that the ap he wanted developed in order to help people with their weight loss goals is completely 100% inaccessible to anyone who is visually disabled/totally blind! I am asking the ap developer to please get this ap fixed and make it to where its accessible to anyone either using VoiceOver on their IPhones, IPads or desktop/laptop computers. On a regular computer, screen readers are used such as “JAWS= Job Access With Speech.” OR a free screen reader used by many called NVDA. any one person who has a visual impairment or who is totally blind SHOULD NEVER EVER BE FORGOTTEN ABOUT!!!! We are just as equal as anyone else and deserve to have the ability to use this ap to its full potential! If this matter is rectified, I have absolutely no problem with changing my rating! But, as of right now, I am stuck with a $3.99 ap that I paid good money for and not only does it not work, but its obviously non accessible to visually disabled individuals. Thanks.
Review by kmacpeek on 20/20 Diet For Your Life.

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