I’m very tired of playing this game – Roblox Review

So when I went to my private server my payment was cancelled and omg I asked my dad if I can buy Robux so I can get a v.i.p server and when it was 2020 May 18 I realized my payment was cancelled like omg I spent so much iTunes money on this game and this is how you pay me back I guess I’m never gonna buy robux again because this ruins the game AND IM SO TIRED I got so mad like why can I get my payment and why does my private server have to be deactivated this game it’s like a scam but I’m so tired I use to be addicted but not anymore robux ruins this whole game so if there is any chance if you can fix my private server my user is :kittycatloveryy3” so please fix this or I will never buy robux.
Review by Lindachewchewkitty on Roblox.

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