Good old days – Minecraft Review

I like Minecraft I built lots of stuff in it i beat the game lots of times I played sence I was 3 and it gives lots of memories but in multiplayer it lags and in that process I break stuff and it’s annoying I hope you guys fix this but other than that it’s fun I’m not that good at survival so that’s why I play my creative and if you wanna be friends with me or whatever my gamer tag is EvanThomas2010 and I get ideas from you tubers and some days in the game I learn something new such as you can make glazed terrocata from smelting terrocata in a furnace and pit goes glazed terrocata and I learned how to match the blocks but this is 2nd place in my favorites list because the muiltiplayer thing and I like Xbox more because it’s easier than mobile and I recommend Minecraft to add more animals and blocks and stuff like that I rate the game 5 stars though I can tell your making a lots of money because there’s spin offs of Minecraft peace out
Review by pvz fanlandmark on Minecraft.

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