Doubt my opinion matters... – FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS Review

But the game is just repetitive and the good stuff is pretty much hidden behind a pay wall. The story truly falls off after the first season and I found myself just hitting the skip button. Overall the quests and objectives are nothing but rinse and repeat. The pay wall is not bad but if you want any of the good things out of the game (guaranteed) then your going to have to spend a crap ton of money or throw away any type of life to grind it. Lapis is over priced so to be able to purchase shop items you have to spend 50 to 100 dollars to get the amount of Lapis needed. The items you buy straight with money honestly priced don’t give much or are not good and then the overpriced ones are expensive. You could play free but the good stuff is not going to be attainable if you don’t pull out your card. I guess the game has some fun with gaining characters you enjoy from each game title...but then they introduced the “special” remakes of them which of course get behind the pay wall and rng. Another...The rng factor is horrendous. Gumi made a section where it “says” it is the “special” area to get these units for events but you’re more than likely to get some trash unit that just waste up your limited space unless you take the time to use those units in some way or buying more unit space which cost Lapis. In the at first but unless you have a great paying job or are rich and can throw your money at the game or you have the patience of a tortoise then stay away. It will just lead to frustration and anger and a bit of disappointment.


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