Cancelling Reset function-Worst business decision ever – Candy Crush Saga Review

No, no, no, no,NO,NO,NO! Why do this change after 8 years.??? Crude, cynical, iron-fisted tactics to try to squeeze money from loyal players? To then call it a “fix” adds insult to injury! People are voting with their feet in droves and closing wallets across the globe! Who is making these decisions? Are you intending to put yourself out of business? That is the only explanation that makes any sense! Use simple psychology and you still have time to recover from this unbelievable debacle. 1)Admit your mistake.2)Restore reset ability. 3)Make a “WISH LIST” for your customers and LISTEN TO THEM. My wish for 2020 is World Peace! Then for CC to add a NAVIGATION TOOL for the over 6000 levels of this game that has captivated millions. Thanks! PANDEMIC UPDATE: I wrote the above comment way before this global Covid-19 catastrophe. Just cannot believe how from early 2020, things have gone from BAD TO WORSE for loyal Candy Crush Saga players. On the King community forums ( not really know why they exist at this point!) are cult-like sycophants that spout sickly “fairy-tale pixie dust from another planet” of sweetness & light While back in the REAL world are the painful, heart-felt complaints & suggestions & feedback from scared players ( majority elderly women, like me...) actually needing this distraction while they are confined to their homes around the GLOBE! Psychology teaches that one of the few things that calm nerves is long practiced routines. I played Tetris for 20 years before jumping on Candy Crush at the very beginning. Outside of Solitaire I play no other game. Not interested to learn new tricks now, with so much worry on my mind. The tone-deaf, near-sighted, selfish, churlish, obtuse, stubborn, condescending and just plain MEAN robotic responses from the Activision/King owners are shocking and increasingly infuriating & deeply disappointing. Almost a complete betrayal that far outweighs the status of “JUST A GAME”. Hey, it’s not the “end of the world as we know it”. IT JUST FEELS LIKE THE END OF THE WORLD OUTSIDE OUR DOORS!! So in summary: 1) READ THE COMMENTS 2) BELIEVE THEM 3) IMPLEMENT THE MAIN REQUESTS NOW AND LEAVE YOUR LONG PROMISED “EXCITING, NEW, SWEET IMPROVEMENTS” FOR WHEN WE CAN GET TOGETHER WITH OUR FAMILY FOR SUNDAY DINNER. AFTER WE WERE ABLE TO BUY TOILET PAPER AT THE SUPERMARKET. Because I was brought up with good manners I will thank you in advance. Surprise me! Surprise all the multitude of others around this frightened PLANET! APRIL 4TH 2020: SECOND PANDEMIC UPDATE: SINCE I HARDLY PLAY ANYMORE I AM POSTING HERE FOR ENTERTAINMENT: PLEASE READ THE TSUNAMI OF ALMOST COMPLETELY NEGATIVE REACTIONS & COMMENTS TO THE CHANGES THAT WERE STARTED BEFORE THE BIGGEST HEALTH CRISIS TO ENGULF THE WHOLE WORLD! THE REACTION FROM ACTIVISION/KING: 1) STONEWALL 2) OBFUSCATE 3) KEEP REPEATING ROBOTIC, CANNED, CONDESCENDING NON-ANSWERS 3) ACTUALLY SEND CYBERHENCHMEN TO CYBERBULLY CRITICS, ACCUSING THEM OF WHINING, BEING UNGRATEFUL & “DEBBIE DOWNERS”. WITH A STRAIGHT FACE TELLING THEM TO “GET A LIFE”! 4) THROW OUT SOME PITIFUL CRUMBS : CONFUSING F5 GROUP CHANGES, UNLIMITED LIVES UNTIL APRIL 5TH( USELESS FOR THOSE AT END OF MAP) AGAIN I ASK: WHAT BUSINESS MODEL IS THIS? WISH I COULD PLAY A GAME I LOVED FOR 8 YEARS & WOULD REALLY BE CALMING RIGHT NOW TAKE CARE STAY SAFE & HEALTHY @ HOME
Review by &@#!? on Candy Crush Saga.

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