Better than other survival games! – Delivery From the Pain:Survive Review

I really love survival games, but many times it’s just “survive” with no real story or mission. This one has a story which I am loving! I also find in other games that there is a paywall or it becomes too difficult to play. This game allows you to watch ads to help you out. I love that too! There’s no energy consumption when you travel, you just have to be mindful of your health, energy/rest, hunger, and mood. So far, there’s no dog yet like in the trailer video, but I am still in the beginning stages. There is also no dodge button when zombies attack. When creating weapons, there is no indicator of the weapon is slow or fast, and how much damage it deals. This would be a nice addition. When sleeping, cooking, or building, you should be able to look into your inventory or your characters health page to think about what you’ll be doing next. Otherwise, I’m just waiting. I also don’t think you should die or pass out when your mood hits zero. Update: There seems to be a point towards the end when you enter areas that require a mask. In these areas, little bugs keep sprouting up. After killing them, going thru a door, and then returning, they seem to wake up from the dead. It feels like a pay wall because they completely deplete your weapons due to how many there are. Good game, but at that point you’re just stuck. Update 2: Props to the devs for responding! :) That’s a good tactic for how to avoid the zombies turning into bugs. But it doesn’t help the areas I’ve cleared where there are only bugs now. Will update as I continue playing.
Review by Smileyshelby on Delivery From the Pain:Survive.

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