A good idea terribly managed – FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion Review

Being able to organize inventory, check the market, make sales, etc from outside the game would normally be pretty nice. The problem is that they got hilariously greedy, and made the whole thing useless. Even if you’re naive enough to pay the $5 per month premium fee, it’s STILL useless, because they want you to keep paying more per-action to keep feeding the machine. Basically you can only either sell one item or MOVE one item once per day. If you pay the premium fee, you can move/sell TWO items! Such value! Beyond that, they want you to keep paying real money for every additional move/sell you do in a day. The extra saddlebag space is kind of crap; you’ll only use that if you gather real aggressively from a bunch of different sources, without stopping to either store them or sell them in between. I personally never even have use for the NORMAL saddlebag everyone gets for free. It’s too tedious to manage, and the app doesn’t even at least make THAT easier, since you have to pay through the nose if you want to reorganize your inventory with the app The retainer is bad too, since for $1 less you could get TWO retainers. The app is also horribly slow at everything, since it doesn’t seem to have very efficient access to the game’s servers. You can’t run it while the game is open either, if you were thinking of getting just to have easy access to market listings from anywhere. The chat is also completely useless, because it only lets you chat with other people also on the app. It doesn’t let you talk to people in-game. At that point you should just be using something better p, like Discord. Even if the premium version allowed unlimited actions, I think I would only get occasional use out of it. As it is, it’s just full-on useless.
Review by Gr1mwolf on FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion.

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