Crossing off simple tasks is way too much work – Trello: organize anything! Review

Pros: I like much of this app and I’ve used my account on the computer as well. It’s easy to add separate category columns and cards for tasks to be done within each column. The visual layout is simple, clear, pleasant. There are lots of neat features like due dates. So why two stars? Cons: I get the feeling whomever is in charge of UX design at Trello doesn’t have enough of a voice (or budget). The menus can quickly devolve into an unintuitive maze. Wait, how do I change the due date? How do I delete the card? It’s this last one that’s a kicker. Trello is a fancy to do list. In their eagerness to present a new way to cross off tasks they made it convoluted for anyone not using a due date. Example: I need to make a hair appointment. This item doesn’t need nor is it worth the extra effort of entering a due date. So when I complete this task I must first go the the giant drawer of hidden options under the nondescript “three dots” button. Then, I can’t cross it off I have to delete the card. This is the worst “cross off” UI I have ever come across. How did this make it past user testing?!
Review by icelusx on Trello: organize anything!.

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