The original and the best – AnkiMobile Flashcards Review

The original active recall testing via spaced repetition app. Copied but never duplicated. Originally for PCs only, and always completely free, the developer made this version for iOS for which I will gladly pay to support his efforts. Stay away from the ripoff artists who use the anki name to try to get your money. I like the interface, it’s a “get down to business” interface, with a learning curve. In my experience, those are many times the most useful software. Some other guy left a star off because the icon looked dated and it doesn’t fit with his other icons. I mean, freakin really?!?! Too many developers spend too much time on a slick interface and end up with sloppy functionality. This software works if you use it. Yes, you will need to read the manual. You may need to learn some Latex. It’s not hard, once you get going. I’m fairly proficient with this software and try to use it daily. As a result, I can give you a 50 word definition of a Poisson Distribution off the top of my head. I never forget birthdays or anniversaries. Plus the looks when you can spout off dictionary definitions of random words (the other day at work I gave definitions of heuristic and algorithm). He looks are priceless. Support the original who for years did this for free. This is the flash card app for you.
Review by Miklb3 on AnkiMobile Flashcards.

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