Option to make custom addresses instead of just work and home – Lyft Review

So I would like to see an option where you can save multiple custom addresses instead of just work and home because I use Lyft with my echo dot and I can only use it to call two addresses my work and home, and I would like to see an option to add custom addresses with the pink circular glyph that you can apply to them, so I am not limited to 2 addresses like for example I want to call a lyft with my echo dot to go to my bank, but when I add a shortcut with this address it says I don't know the address that I created, but you can tell the driver, and it's annoying, but if there was an option to add another custom address you can set the address once and go and call it from your echo dot. And be on your way
Review by Drew Shulman on Lyft.

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