The Vision Tx. likes it but the snot has to go! Pretty please? – Captain Lazy Eye Lite Review

I'm not quite sure what to make of this but will show it to our vision therapist to see her take on it. There are no instructions and only a brief letter of recommendation that doesn't give any real information on what the app does or how it does it. Also the screenshots of the full version have grammatical and spelling errors, so it doesn't give me a lot of confidence to start off with! I agree the snotty nosed pirate kid-who remains in the lower left part of the screen the entire time- is annoying to look at, and I'm not sure what the purpose of that was. It is completely irrelevant to the task at hand, and I do want my son to pick up this habit as he has enough habits to work on ;) So if the vision therapist thinks this is good, I would only consider buying the full version minus the snot. Update: The vision therapist was impressed. I, however, cannot stand the snotty-nosed pirate. Unless the full program becomes close to free, or Pirate Kid learns how to blow his nose, I probably won't be using this much.
Review by specialappssk on Captain Lazy Eye Lite.

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