Steal the movie before they steal your freedom – Lionsgate VIP Review

F@*k Lionsgate and it’s $hotty movies! This app is designed to data mine your entire life and slow your phone to a crawl. I DL’d just to write a review. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT OPEN THIS APP! IT IS 100% SPAM SPAM SPAM. Read the “privacy policy”- by clicking and opening, just to DL a movie you already paid for, you agree to allow them to track you and establish your pattern and schedule of your whereabouts, your buying, your email reading, basically All Your privacy. They further explain that they will share(sell) your information to 3rd parties for marketing purposes and you cannot DL the movie you paid for without agreeing to allow them to do so. Their “privacy policy” is that you have no privacy. This app borders on illegal and violates your rights as a human being. There’s absolute grounds for a class action lawsuit for violation of civil liberties in exchange for something you already paid for, but never agreed to before the exchange. DO WHAT I DID- WATCH THE DVD, AND RETURN THAT CRAP BACK TO TARGET OR WALMART AND GET A REFUND.
Review by Pud Puller on Lionsgate VIP.

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