If only they would remove the ads – Words With Friends Classic Review

The game play is fun and exciting. I really enjoy so many aspects of the game play with all the new features. Duela and solo are all excellent additions for true word lovers like myself. But for the love of God, remove the ads, pop ups, constantly flashy things! It slows up game play and completely alters the gaming experience. For the record ‘pop ups’ are annoying all the time. They are annoying between each game, between each move, when your loading the game, and when you playing one of the new features. I don’t know what marketing experts came to Zynga and said ok, you have all these players, what they want in addition to the game play is to be constantly bombarded with ads for other aps (that are almost always some type of rip off), and things they do not want or need. ‘ someone said ‘brilliant’ and they decide to implement it. There are ads and pop ups in the game and now you have an ad banner on top of the game with prevents reaching searching features without clicking on them. You must make a ton of money from this advertising. But Zynga has forgotten that without customers you can’t make money from advertising. This game went from something that everybody I know played to ‘?are you still playing that!? ?!’ Finally, removal of the option to play without the ads was the lowest blow. I love the game but please stop with advertising. Despite what you believe we do not want to see advertisements every second we actually log into the game to play it!
Review by evette5635 on Words With Friends Classic.

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