At this point... – KORG Gadget 2 Review

I go back and forth with this app for a variety of reasons. Definitely a love hate relationship. I think the bottom line is that music creation on iOS is still young and developing and Korg has been there pretty much from the start... but things are changing fast and there are many new developers on the scene creating some very cool apps. I just need to be more patient and walk away when I get frustrated with the limitations of most iOS music apps. So with that said, this really is an amazing app that can be a lot of fun. It can get a bit expensive and be a $ gouge fest at times, but that’s just korg being korg. I have many korg products that I’ve enjoyed over the years and they all have their limitations... It’s just part of the game... and with software it’s no different I guess... they gotta be done at some point and move on... no matter how loud we scream... I look forward to the future of iOS music software... but in the meantime, I will try to be more patient and enjoy what’s currently on the menu. peace
Review by Applesnoranges99 on KORG Gadget 2.

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