Why Is Aisha/Layla White? – World of Winx - Dress Up Review

Winx characters are already predominantly white, and I’ll chalk that up to it being that the creators (and animation company) are based in Italy. However from season one. Aisha was depicted as black, and to my dismay I’ve seen instances where she’s either been portrayed by a white actress (during promos of live-action) or they’ve significantly lightened her skin tone, to where she’s not even recognizable as black. If having a black characters was THAT problematic for the franchise, I’d prefer they simply left her out of it, as opposed to treating her skin color as something that needs to be erased. There are your black girls, who are fans of the show, who don’t need to be subjected to whatever confusion has taken over the character development team. Do better! There’s always other shows/games for us to choose from, if these anti-black actions continue.
Review by Ms.D.W on World of Winx - Dress Up.

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