Thanks! Savannah! – Downtowner Review

I live downtown with my 12 year old daughter. We love the lifestyle downtown living has to offer. Walking and biking to Broughton st. to shop, eat dinner, visit museums, and the multitude of festivals. But as winter approaches and it gets dark early we have to stop as it’s no longer a good idea to walk or ride our tandem bike home with a kid as it gets dark so early. The Downtowner has changed that. It’s quick, it’s clean, and it’s safe. Tonight we would have stayed home, but thanks to the Downtowner we walked down to have dinner, shopped for some winter clothes on Broughton st., then ran by Mabel’s shop for a cupcake, caught the Downtowner and we’re home before 7pm! Thank you Savannah!
Review by lkdvv on Downtowner.

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