Can’t manually order tasks. – Tody Review

I do really like this app. It helps me keep track of what needs to be done and prevents me from over-cleaning when something doesn’t need to be done yet. The features are simple and not overdone and it is intuitive to use. However, it is lacking one specific ability. While I can manually order the areas, I cannot manually order tasks within an area. When cleaning, tasks need to be completed in a certain order. For example, one always dusts the tops of cabinets first and vacuums last. This way one is not re-vacuuming cabinet dust that may fall on the floor after the floor has already been vacuumed. This app determines it’s own order of tasks and it is not in a good order. I have to try to hunt through the list of tasks to figure out what to do next and inevitably miss a task. I end up dusting the tops of cabinets after I have vacuumed and have to re-vacuum. I spend as much time managing the app as I do cleaning and find myself just not using the app because of this. I really want to use this app on a daily basis so I really, really hope the developers are able to make the task list be ordered manually .
Review by CapybaraWrangler on Tody.

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