Was a top game... getting greedy (again) – THE ALCHEMIST CODE Review

Honestly at the moment Gumi is releasing more “free” content than ever and allowing players to freely get 90% of the units in the game, and with time your able to build them all (read 6-8 months of daily playing to achieve). The problem is the limited units, and the content that is rendered either unavailable or an unpleasant grind without them. This combined with their banner changes that make the barrier to get these units have a very high gem rate (2500 gems per attempt, aka more than $10 USD for a 3% chance) it makes getting these units generally untenable for anyone not willing to invest literally 1000’s of dollars into this game a month. Granted gumi is fairly generous about awarding free gem currency, and back in the not too distant past when they offered 1 discount step per new banner so that FTP players would at least have a CHANCE at getting new units, at least depending on luck you could save up your free gems for important banners and be successful in navigating content. But alas things are not so, now they have discount tickets, which they release maybe 1x a month, and it of course guarantees nothing. The only discount step is on units that you can acquire and farm for free anyways, and all the content is designed to be a miserable drag without the new limited units (fully built). OH! Lest not forget! Instead of offering quests to farm shards for limited content of the off chance you may be able to pull the units later, or maybe even collect enough through dedication and playing to transmute them.... they put it behind a paywall! That’s right! You have to have paid their (NOW) absurd gacha costs and pulled the unit, in order to run the quest, to get the unit shards! They do this to make sure, that no matter how dedicated you are to the game, you HAVE to Pay to enjoy the later content of the game. Anyways for new players you can invest 50 hours in this game and think it’s great, end game content/pvp is a giant money grab with no reward for dedicated players, so take it with a grain of salt.
Review by Aesoir on THE ALCHEMIST CODE.


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