Confusing, unnecessarily complicated, glitchy – Meta Ads Manager Review

The idea is great, but it has some usability issues. Why is it set to only Pacific time? Surely you could save the general public some trouble (and potentially costly timing mistakes) by synchronizing the app with the users time-zone. Also, your FAQs or “help center” is trash. I have an ad that i would like to duplicate but for some reason it is the only ad that cannot be duplicated. I’m sure its a good reason too, but instead of giving me a message explaining why the action cannot be made after clicking duplicate, the button simple will not work. I have tried researching why that specific ad cannot he duplicated (so i can make adjustments) but all i can find is information on how to duplicate an ad... i know how to do this, i can do it to any other ad but one specifically.
Review by bigbillybobjr. on Meta Ads Manager.

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