Gl’acking impossible – Ingress Prime Review

tl;dr Just pressed REDO four times to complete the glyph “ALL” because the app would draw the line between two non-consecutive dots I was glyphing. Just...forget Translator badge exists. On the other hand, Niantic is experimenting with Ingress monetization. Maybe if players can’t glyph hack farm the items they need for anomalies, they’ll just buy them in the store. ================================= When I saw a comment on reddit that “Traces in Wizards Unite are similar to Ingress, except Ingress [glyphing] is not accurate,” I thought that person was lying. In the four and a half years I’ve been playing Ingress, I’ve never had an accuracy issue with glyph hacking. When a new player hit 16, recursed, and then, hit level 8 in a day told me she was terrible at glyph hacking, I was surprised. I just started using Prime fully after Redacted was retired (R.I.P.) and now I get it. The glyph accuracy on Prime is HORRIBLE! On longer glyph sequences where I used to consistently get 80% + speed bonuses, I now get 0% due to the inaccuracy. Glyphs that I never had a problem with before would be off by a dot. I was the line trace that forms when you swipe and sometimes it’s 5 millimeters off from the tip of my finger. Seriously, Niantic, please fix this. ================================= I open Ingress multiple times a, I have to deal with the “Don’t drive while playing Ingress” message, too (PoGo and HPWU have their own messages). Annoyed that it is not easy to tap on the icon to view my profile after I hack. I have to sit through the animation of every item to pop up...can’t you just have that summary pop up afterwards? Or let us tap to bring up the overlay?
Review by Guard_Girl on Ingress Prime.

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