I make music again! – KORG Gadget 2 Review

I’ve had it all. Computer gear and daws, hardware, iOS daws. Gadget is the one for me. What makes this app so special to me is the simple no frills approach. What this this app makes lacks in bells and whistles, it makes up with its wonderful “gadgets”. They’re like synths, but a little more user friendly. Most apps only have two very small screens to navigate through. There are more advanced apps you can get that’ll get you gagitized versions with more advanced controls. The bottom line though, is this app gives you just about every sound you could ever need, the ability to use your own samples, easy sound design, and a SUPER simple, yet deceptively powerful loop based sequencer. I haven’t even begun to even use Gadget to its full abilities but I’m having so much fun making music again! With AUM and Gadget... I could never update my iPad again and make music forever with what I have.
Review by Nomadxoxo on KORG Gadget 2.

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