Most infuriating – Moment - Parent Communication Review

The switch to Moment from Google listservs is a moment I will always curse. What used to be a quick and easy way to find and convey information has been magically transformed into app-based hell. With the listserv, I got one email per day (more if I wanted) and I could easily search past messages. But with Moment, I get bombarded with tons of emails from various “groups” that someone else assigned me to. None of the emails actually provide any meaningful information. Instead, I’m forced to download an app (that I don’t want!) and then forced yet again to manually sort through “groups” (that I didn’t sign up for) and all without a basic search function. Lord help you if you try and use their web-based interface! Moment has succeeded where others failed. By taking something as ubiquitous as email and turning it into more spam with a value-added app, I am at the point of throwing my phone out the window in frustration.
Review by Mudward on Moment - Parent Communication.

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