Glad it exists, needs some UX design improvement – AV CONTROLLER - US Review

It’s great to be able to control my stereo remotely, but the organization of controls on this all doesn’t make a lot of sense, particularly with regard to adjusting volume, which you might have to do fairly often. There’s a lot of switching of screens necessary even though there’s plenty of space on a single iPhone screen (and certainly an iPad) to display (and control) volume for each individual zone and even a master control too. There’s no need to have a special “knob” interaction when we are all familiar with the classic iOS slider for volume that both displays and allows you to interact; all the knob does is force more clicks into the user flow. Really, if there were a simple page that had all volumes controllable simultaneously without paging around the app, I’d have rated this app much higher. Hopefully we’ll see that in a future version!
Review by Enderisnotmyrealname on AV CONTROLLER - US.


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