The Great Gadget Gouge! – KORG Gadget 2 Review

The gadgets themselves are cool... and aside from many sequencer limitations, the real crazyness is in the pricing structure... If you have the desktop version and the iOS version you can spend upwards to $500 on this software because basically you’ll need to buy all the overpriced IAP gadgets twice... and if you bought the desktop version before the update to V2, you’ll need to pay an extra $100 to get the V2 update, where the iOS version is free. So it gets stupidly expensive. Is it worth it? Not for $500-$600... Maybe if $250 got you the full package for both platforms with free updates. When you compare all this to something like Logic Pro which costs $200 and includes everything forever, this looks and feels like a weird korg money gouge... but as I said, the gadgets are cool and the software, being limited, is fun for a bit and works ok if you don’t want to get too deep into composition and editing. Enjoy
Review by Applesnoranges99 on KORG Gadget 2.

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