Old device owners, rejoice. – Kroll Review

Still running a first generation iPhone, it's becoming harder to find games that will run. Many demand a newer version of iOS that I run, and of those that do run, most are extremely buggy (if it even starts up at all,) or slow to the point of being unplayable. Kroll works. Kroll works very well. Granted it was developed when my phone was still the latest & greatest, but Kroll has never crashed on me, animates beautifully, and plays smoothly. I see many recently developed games that are nowhere close in terms of graphics or design, and yet run like molasses and stares at you blankly as you taptaptap on the "play" button. Not to mention it's up and running in seconds, Gameplay however is simplistic. But simplistic in an enjoyable way. Run/bash left. Run/bash right. There's no blocking, running, or jumping. All the enemies are more or less bigger & badder variants of three types. The map is strictly linear, but modeled in 3D, with the camera angle tilting and twisting in a manner that makes you not immediately realize it's really one dimensional. This game is simple and short, but fun and presented beautifully. It's enjoyable enough I kept it around to play through on all difficulty levels ... usually I'll just complete a game on the normal setting, then move on, with or without "3 stars" on everything. (Spoiler: finishing on "insane" doesn't unlock any special features or animation.) Disclaimer. I purchased this during a free promotion. Searching the web, this game apparently used to sell for $8. So my opinion may or may not have been different had I bought it at full price.
Review by gko on Kroll.

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Nathan Carter


Big victory

Hangs a lot