Fun And Challenging Mental Math Game – Seqitaire Review

The app uses a tile grid system, similar to what you see in a lot of word games, to add, subtract, and multiply numbers together. The goal is to use the tiles to output a particular number determined by cards drawn from a deck. Feels a bit like typing numbers on a calculator, except that each tile is also associated with a suit (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs, and wild), as well as a number or math operator. This adds an additional layer of complexity, since you need to select tiles all of the same suit or that fulfill other conditions (use at least one multiplication operator, select at least 4 tiles, etc.). The variation of the cards and conditions also keeps the game fresh and interesting. Awesome game and the developers really did a great job pulling off a math game that is both fun and addictive!
Review by DeanS_72 on Seqitaire.

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