Problems with this game – Decurse – Magical Farming Game Review

The game has very nice graphics and is fun to play for about 20 minutes then you lose everyone here are the problems that need to be fixed. 1. There is a storage problem you have to collect a lot of items in order to do the quests, upgrade the craft machines, fill the whale, fill balloons, do the request board, and Panda Island. You do not give out enough free item upgrades to make storage bigger. It is crazy the amount of rubies it cost to upgrade your storage right now I need 900 rubies to upgrade which you do not earn that many rubies in this game you might win 20 rubies a day. So if you are to want to buy rubies to increase your storage. You are talking $19.99 then the next time it will go up by 25 rubies x 3 items needed (plans,tools,and rope)every time you need to increase storage capacity. You really need to fix this like having the last two tabs not count for storage (the axe pic tab, arrow up tab) that would be a start it should not ever cost $20.00 for 20 slots of storage this is ridiculous. 2. The quest items you collect to build a item (decoration only)that item should give you magic because you are lacking magic items and you have to wait hours upon hours for the items you have to fill back up. (Birthday cake, flying carpet, carousel, scroll, cauldron, sewing kits, seahorse, bottle, trap, and the gazebo). All these items would be perfect vessels to hold magic. 3. Time and cost. Your time to grow vegetables some our way to long as in to make things way to long. The cost of craft machines way to much I am at level 25 and still don’t have the money to buy the ice cream machine or foundry. The other machines I paid real money to buy in game gold to get other items. You want 19,000 gold for ice cream machine and 22,500 gold for the foundry. Here I am sitting at having 8,464 gold. 4. The wizard tower chests that you want us to get has very stupid prizes in them they should have way more items or better items if you want us to spend rubies on them. When I opened 1 up I got 1 pearl and 1 plan. Ridiculous. This game has great potential if you fix the thing that our truly wrong with this game. I had to spend real money to get some of the craft machines and it cost way to many rubies to hire Emily and the Panda (great ideal) just cost to much. Here it is day before July and all the comments I have read you have yet to implant so just crossing my fingers you do fix this game. Thanks, Tasha I have additional information: 5. The Market is so way overpriced for instance if you buy the Panda he helps you get 8 raspberries for $158 if you don’t buy his service you will pay $208 for 4 raspberries. Which is horrible that Big Fish allows price gouging in there game shame shame on them. (Thank gosh for Florida to step up and create the first law against price gouging). 6. Panda Island way to much time to get more rockets 4 hours to get 7 rockets and what is worse you should earn those 7 rockets every 4 hours at a constant so that way you have more time to play. Within 2 minutes you use all the rockets. Also opening up Panda Island means you need more magic which is very limited so when your magic is gone you tend to leave the game and go on to another game till the next day. I like games that you want to keep playing not run out of magic and feel like you just want to go to another game. I feel like this is going to be a short lived game that you will lose players faster then you can blink an eye. The sad part this could be a awesome game. *******Update******update******update********************** I finally earned enough to get a ice cream machine. Now to save money for the foundry $22,500, furnace 27,500, jam boiler $31,000, sweet shop $35,000, wood cutting $36,000, and joiners bench $37,000. Also still need rainbow fountain $12,500,seahorse fountain $13,750, and the magic Aquarium for 150 rubies. Only good thing about Panda Island so far is you can sell your baked items and get some money. This game is so unbalanced it is not even funny. As you build up the houses in Panda Island the first round of updating houses first cost 2 paws each opening now after going across the second bridge it costs 4 paws per opening this is so stupid also noticed this in the main game.
Review by Arica69 on Decurse – Magical Farming Game.

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