UI would be fine if we lived on a planet without a sun – Ingress Prime Review

The game is really hard to play during the day. But, game play is difficult and the in-game tutorial does not help. Though, I picked up on game mechanics after three days of play...basically selecting choices until they un-grayed. By default, you're forced into the Blue faction and your only indication of this is the color of your Avatar name. By now you'll have invested several hours into the game in support of the Blue faction. When the choice comes up to choose a faction, the majority of players stick with Blue because they see how few Green (The Resistance) portals there are. On iOS, this game drains your battery quickly. And, to top it off, the game requires it to be the only game being actively played. So, there's no toggling between Pokemon Go, Harry Potter Wizard Unite, and Ingress. If you switch to another app, say Discord to check with your local (game) community, Ingress game restarts. It's really frustrating for the game to reboot so frequently.
Review by Weekender Chef on Ingress Prime.

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