Not what it seems – Achievement - Reward Health Review

It is worth to note that those seeking a quick way to make money while getting in shape will be sorely disappointed by this app. On average, you can expect to amass between 200 and 300 points per week. If you’re really determined, there are different studies and surveys you can participate in to bolster your numbers by a few dozen per week, but that will soundly put you in the same range. It will take close to a year, perhaps longer to earn even a single cash out. Unless your life is dedicated to fitness and your lifestyle is solely focused around maintaining your fitness, it will unlikely yield anything of mention. Insofar as a motivator to get and stay fit, it is likely that it would make better economic sense to sit idly on your couch, filling out surveys for spare change. Just something for your consideration
Review by ~The Purple Baron~ on Achievement - Reward Health.

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