Goo game but not long enough. – Gesture Defense Review

1. The game is free until u get round 9. Then they want $1.99 for the game (11 more rounds). I thought there were more levels and by paying for the game I would unlock more levels with 20 rounds each. That is not what I got. 2. It is a rushed ending. You go from round 19 (doable) to 20 (not doable w-out weapons upgrades, which are already maxed out). This game needs to be longer if you are paying $1.99 it should include more than one level and possibly different weapons on level 2. It needs to be much longer! It is a good beginning but not worth $. I would pay $0.75 for the content of this game. One of my fav. Apps Creep - I have boughten all the add ons and felt very satisfied. Even the replay value is high in that game, but not this one. Take a tip from an app who has multiple versions and people have spent (over $10) worth of add ons. Keep working on it. Add more content, levels weapons bad guys etc (w/out additional pay) and I will reevaluate!
Review by Mom2greatKIDS on Gesture Defense.

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