Simple but effective – 30 Day - Plank Challenge Review

Nothing fancy, but it gets you doing planks. Some of the jumps in time were a little intense, so it took me several days to finish one day on the app. Like others have said, it should have a 3 sec countdown once you press the start button to give you time to get into position. Also, I wish there was a way to go back just by single days or look ahead to the final goal (like a preview). It was a bit hard the first time not knowing what I was aiming for. In this app you only get to see the very next day and only once you’ve completed the current day. Finally I wish there was a way to record how many times you’ve completed a challenge (like a badge). I’m a beginner with a bad wrist, so I have to do the beginning level challenges more than once before I can work up to the intermediate ones. All in all, though, it does the job. The tutorials are very clear and easy to understand. I like that it has multiple levels (beginning, intermediate, advanced), adds in the dates for your challenge, and that it shows you a daily completion percentage. I did my first ever two minute plank thanks to this app, so...thank you!
Review by Xax171 on 30 Day - Plank Challenge.

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