What are you expecting? – DotArkanoid Review

This is an entertaining brick breaker spazz fest. It isnt supposed to be a complex, 60 hour video game. I rather like this style of chaos. It plays differently each time due to the individual trajectories and I think that's pretty cool. One problem I have is when it gets down to 2-3 pixels remaining, I invariably lose my "ball" off the upper left corner of the screen and then I'm just stuck there. Other suggestions are for a couple other levels to go along with the standard one. These could be different shapes of the brick wall or just two walls left and right screen with a narrow vertical gap between them. Would be interesting two see the walls carving away at each other. Some random backgrounds might be a good addition too, maybe some Hubble photos or something. Apart from these things, I can't see what else could be done to this app. .
Review by ChaosProphecy on DotArkanoid.

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