It's Done! What a difference it makes! – It's Done! Review

I had the privilege of using the It's Done app in the beta testing stage and watched it take shape. I thought the app was excellent to begin with but it just got better. The It’s done app is one of my favorites. It saves me time and worry. I travel and about the time my plane is taking off my mind starts to ask, “Did you lock the front door?” “Did you lock the car door.?” That’s a fine time to do that after I can do nothing about it. All I can do is worry. It’s done lets me keep a record of those things as I do them on my iPhone and when my mind starts talking, I can assuredly say, “It’s done!” I used to leave all sorts of plugs, tickets, etc in my hotel rooms when checked out. Now It’s Done reminds me of the things I need to do before I leave the room. No more left behind phone chargers. It has a record for later referral too. Just because it reminded me, I may not have done it. It’s the same with my daily health supplements. I sometimes can’t remember from one time to the next whether I took the last supplements. Of course the reminder is great, but what is really great is It's done records taking them AND even keeps a long-term record of when I took them. The is the app I have been looking for. I don’t try and remember anything anymore. I let the It’s Done app do it for me. It’s done and I know it’s done.
Review by Concerned power user on It's Done!.

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