Not very kid-friendly for beginners – Sudoku Kid Review

My 7-yo son is wanting to learn sudoku, and I ad hoped this would help him. But this is nothing but a 2x2 or 3x2, extremely bare-bones game. The hints just fill in values for you, without any explanation why. Also, there is no ability to adjust the difficulty level, and the few puzzles I tried would be way to hard for him as a complete beginner. (Heck, I needed to break out the non-existent pencil marks to love the puzzles I tried!) A kid-friendly tutorial and some help as to why a particular hint was given would go a long way. But, really, if my only choices are this and a "grown up" Sudoku like :-), I know my son would do better with the latter.
Review by mscott-the real one on Sudoku Kid.

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