Update: the best note taking app! – Noteshelf 2 Review

Update: with all the updates this clearly now my favorite note taking app! Let me just say first that I love how there are more options for the pens, how you can pin your fav pens o the screen... etc.. so many things that are pretty awesome. Here are some things that I wish that could change and make it the PERFECT note taking app: 1) Notebooks zoom only to the height of the notebook in floating window mode. When in the floating window, it would be great to be able to zoom in really close into the page, right now, it can only go so far as the exact height of the and not closer... kind of useless when the main app in use does not support split screen, and you need to take notes from that and you cant make useful notes if you cant zoom in into the size of the notebook line or graph. As of now, I’ve tried three other apps that can do that, GoodNotes, and Notability, even Notes Plus... but only the first two can click on links for a digital planner to work. (But that’s another story). 2) Request for a “hold for a split second longer” to open link. i love that you can just click on a link like on the digital planner for it to work and not having to click it and then click again to go to that page, but i wish you can have some sort of delay or something so it doesn’t go there so fast. Maybe a split-second slower? For example, when I want to write around the text (that is also a link), instead of me being able to write, it already goes to that linked page too fast. But i still would choose this over having to click on the link and another again, GoodNotes and Notability does it that way, and i prefer Noteshelf in this regard. 3) The Ratio of the image covers. I wish that you would be able to make the cover image’s ratio a bit like an A4 proportion or at least letter size proportion. I do love the provided covers, its very cute, but sometimes I’d like to add images of real Filofax organisers that I have but instead or being able to fit them in the cover image, or at least distort it to fit, it cuts the image and you only see either top part or the bottom part, or whatever fits in the box. This is kind of a big deal for me, since i am really trying to mimic using a real organiser on my iPad Pro, trying to go paperless and all. 4) Being able to use .png files with no image background for Notebook Covers. I’m not sure if any of the other notebook apps do this, and this would be a great feature to create the perfect illusion of having a real library of planners and notebooks in your Noteshelf App. Imagine having to see your actual notebooks and not just badly cropped images on the shelf of the app. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Oh, I wish I wish I wish. Then digital planning life would be perfect... 5) Haven’t checked but, would be great to have handwritten text with webpages or emails linked to actions, like go to that specific website, or if its and email, be able to email or save that email in your contacts, or if its a number, be able to save it to a contact, or call them. That’s it :) I think if they solve number 1 in my list, it’ll be my number 1 go-to app. Everything else I can wait for. I take too many notes of diff apps that dont support split screen and Noteshelf really isn’t usable if you’d cant zoom in to a reasonable size to be able to write in the notebook in a decent way, that can be printable in the future. Hope they can resolve that soon at least.
Review by machitect on Noteshelf 2.

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