This is a fun game but please consider a perpetual level up mechanism – Dice Mage Online Review

I’ve played this game for maybe a month. Seems to be dead but even so, doing the auto-battles are fun. You progress by two forms of leveling. First, you get player experience. If you win, you get 25XP and if you lose, you only get 10Xp. By leveling up, you can either purchase or upgrade your equipment, which is how you strengthen your player. The other way you level up is your points used for your global ranking. If you win, you get a set amount that scales down the higher your level, but if you lose, you lose a straight 10 points. The problem is that after a while, you XP caps to where you can’t go above level 16 and your ranking points can’t go above 3,000. The last person to have won mac out at 3,000 points is always at the top of the global list, but is pushed down as other players match 3,000. I don’t know why these caps are necessary but I’m sure it’s driven players away. I hit the 3000 point cap a while ago but just now maxed my level 16, and then learned I can’t progress any further. I really enjoyed this game and I’d continue playing it further if there was a reason. Though I am a FTP player, I do watch the videos you can watch for in-game currency. I’ve watched a TON, and I’d still let them roll through my day, but there’s no purpose. I kind of feel like the leveling caps might be leaving money on the table. I actually want to keep casually playing this game but, again, there’s currently no point. If you can fix this issue, or at last increase the levels up to 99, I could gladly leave 5*s but, unfortunately, you can “complete” the game rather quickly for an “online” multiplayer game and that’s just unfortunate.
Review by rhartness on Dice Mage Online.

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