NEO scavenger – NEO Scavenger Review

First let me explain that this game, blew me away the first 600 times I played it on PC. I love how unforgiving it is, I love the sound track and especially enjoyed how mentally challenging it is. Which is why it breaks my heart to write this. The game itself feels undercooked, there’s a million stories that can flushed out on NEO Scavenger and someone could spend lifetimes in it. Which is why on PC the mods are a great fill for that gap and totally pull the thorn out of your brain and truly immerse yourself to the point you actually care that Philip K. gets his memory back, or enjoys a Cadillac burger at the red gnome vs foraging for mushrooms and berries. However I have to give this 2 stars for the inability to have a modding community on iOS, the actual game is very short and yes you can have some adventures but there are only a few areas to explore, and a few that can be ignored altogether and poof your done. If there is a way to mod this on iOS please let me know and I’ll eat my hat while I gladly give this 5 stars and beg the developer to work on N.E.O. Scavenger Part 2.
Review by addddam p on NEO Scavenger.

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